
Saturday, September 6, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - Have you taken it?

I'm sure you have heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC). If you haven't been nominated yet, I'm nominating you now.  Well if you do not know this is near and dear to my heart,  my father was diagnosed with ALS March 2010.
I have completed the #ALSicebucketchallenge to raise awareness and funding for a cure for ALS. Thank you to my brother, Josh for nominating me to take the #icebucketchallenge to #strikeoutALS.

In honor Pete Frates, Pat Quinn, Deb Quinn, Patrick O'Brien, Steve Sailing, Susy Miller, Robin Mower and Steve Gleason who are living with this horrific disease and in memory of my father, Alsfighter Brian Dillon who won his battle with ALS in February 2013. I’m know he is smiling down on us with all the ALS awareness this is generating around the world.

I am nominating the following people to accept the #ALSicebucketchallenge:
Wayne Splettstoeszer (highschool band teacher)
Sean Douglass (Shelli Gardner's son-in-law)
Bladen Finch (Scott's college friend)
Amy Ferrarotti (Scott's cousin)

You have 24 hours to accept (post your videos and nominate others to the challenge) or donate $100 to an ALS charity of your choice.
My #ALSIBC video was posted on my facebook account and here is a link to watch it.

When at #DIVAnight and the tin comes out and boom there is a mini bucket, you make paper water and paper ice cubes! #icebucketchallegestampinupstyle

I wrote names of pALS (persons with ALS) that we continue to support and honor in memory of to once and for all #findacure.

Remember to donate to somewhere where the donation will make a difference. Do your homework to know where and what your donation is really going towards.

My recommendations are below:

Research dedicated to finding a cure or to patients living with ALS that need assistance with products and services to give them a better quality of life,
