
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer Fun

Over at SSINK we are all making items with Summer Fun as the theme.

It's July and in the Northeast that generally means 70% + humidity.

You know what that means right?

You take a cold shower and once you dry off you are sweating again.

Yuck. Just plain gross.

So I try to stay in the air conditioning, stand in front of a fan or stay in the shade to keep cool.

 This is not my favorite time of year because I'm already barely dressed due to all the sweating.

I'll take winter any day.

But we won't go there just yet, winter just finished really late this year (April).

So onto my Summer Fun project.

I generally look towards ice cream to cool me down. I mean it's got a dual purpose, its delicious and keeps you cool. Just watch out for the potential brain freeze if you eat it too quick.

So I incorporated this on my card.

Mint Chocolate Chip and Chocolate are my favorite flavored ice creams. 

The sun is shining bright and melting my ice cream cone. Notice the ice cream drips. 

The sentiment is just me being me. Ha!

I generally don't eat cones but if I did I would need a 3 scoop cone today!

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