
Monday, December 7, 2015

Blog Candy Winner

My apologies for not posting for the last few days. I've been busy making lots of holiday items for the Holiday craft fair I was at over the weekend. I spent many hours making many things that you will see on the blog in the near future. Here is a picture of what our table looked like. We had the following types of items available: Gift Tags, Holiday Cards, Gifts, Stocking Stuffer treats, Holiday decor and Gift Packaging and much more. It was like a one shop stop in my opinion.

I have to give major props to my little sister, Shari for making my business logo shirt. She surprised me with this gift a few days before the fair. She thought it would be good to wear it and promote myself. Thank you Shari! I love it and might have you make a few more for me in the future!

Now onto what we are waiting for, the winner of the Blog Candy Giveaway!

Rosemarie, please email me at ( to give me your mailing address. 

Thank you for all your comments. I will be working on some new things (suggestions that were made and somethings I've been wanting to do for a while now) starting in the New Year (2016). Stay tuned. 

As always, thank you for stopping by today. Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what I have to share. 


  1. Oh my ... thank you Leanne! Mailing information has been sent. Hope you had awesome day at your craft sale. Your table had many fabulous items.

    1. Congratulations Rosemarie! You should be receiving your Blog candy any day now. Happy holidays!


Thank you so very much for your comment. Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what more I have shared.

Happy Stamping! :)

Thank you,
